Being a Street Musician - Yes To New
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Being a Street Musician


My girlfriend was on the train back to Cork from Limerick. I was on my way to meet her at the train station when she text me saying she had a little gift for me. I was very excited to see what it was. As I was walking over I didn’t know what to expect. I met her off the train and she couldn’t wait to give me my gift. She presented to me a nice white box so I opened and inside was a harmonica. She said how she was thinking about how I wanted to try being a musician on the street for a vlog. I was going to use a guitar but she thought the harmonica was something different and more unique. Again, I can’t play either of these instruments. We had dinner booked at 5:30 at this place called Electric. Once we finished up around 7 I took to the street…

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