Far Away on Spike Island - Yes To New
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Far Away on Spike Island

It’s always good to lend a helping hand to neighbours and the Cork Midsummer Festival are mine.

I had signed up to volunteer a couple of days. One of them was for the Picnic in the Park for all the families and the other one I had asked about doing was to steward at the Corca Dorca play Far Away on Spike Island.

Corca Dorca are known for their plays and have had such actors as Cillian Murphy get their start with them. I thought the concept of this play taking place on a former prison on Spike Island could be interesting.

I knew my job had something to do with showing people around. It was one of those feelings of challenge that it gave me goosebumps. I had to deal with a large number of strangers, walk around an old prison and act like I know what’s going on even though I hadn’t seen the play yet.

Here is how it went…

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